Friday, November 12, 2010

Again and Again

This has been a pretty light week!... And I was so enamored with photoshop last night that I forgot to upload my screenshots again. Ohwell, something to do tonight :D

Ok so. I guess the big news is Insane in the Membrane is being 'fixed' so that it's completable in Cataclysm, and it just won't require Shen'dralar anymore. Which is a considerable nerf to the title.

This kind of surprised everyone. I certainly wasn't expecting it. It does feel a bit cheap to essentially skip 25% of the whole achievement. Those who did it the 'right' way will have at least an additional feat in the future, but I'm hoping that there will be an analogous feat in Cataclysm that can the the 'new' crazy bunch of rep to get. It's probably difficult to put in, as you essentially you have to create a faction that no one cares about, doesn't really benefit raiding, which is probably hard to justify in terms of development time. But here's hoping.

To celebrate, my grinding partner (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID) and I hit up separate instances of LBRS and pickpocketed about 75 lockboxes between us. And now the guild bank is full 9.9

As a personal reminder to myself, the Inconspicuous Bear put out an incomplete Gearing and Professions list for bear tanking at 85. While not finished, they're extremely helpful for putting together a plan!

Killin' Time
The guild as a whole has been somewhat counting down the minutes until Cataclysm hit, so over the last week raids of various sizes and seriousness have been put together to knock out achievements. I put together a group last friday that finished up 10 man T7, as well as Onyxia achievements for several people. In the name of arbitrary points!

More officially, the 25 man finally pushed several Glory to the Raider 25 ICC achievements to completion, so a large number of us got our Frosty Drakes. I have now broken and rebroken my mount macro several times trying to stuff him in, and somehow managed to put my sea turtle into the mix >:|

We also had a bit of a fiasco with our latest Shadowmourne box, where the quest bugged out and the GMs, for whatever reason, would only reward the wielder with one of the four items he was supposed to get. He chose the mount, which I had won the roll for. Which is freaking ossim, but it still really sucks that everyone else got screwed out of their items :/

Ugh. Well. I think a large part of my problem is I'm doing this either alone or with the boyfriend, and really, 1-2 people will find it very hard to change the course of battle. It's not impossible, it's just sometimes more than I care to try. I mean how many times can you stand watching your entire team dick off in the middle while the horde kills you with the flag without being a little angry.

Honor weekends turn out to be both better and worse, because you can physically see the rep bar move with each cap.... but there are so many premade teams you get paired against.

I did figure out, at some point, that I need 300 WSG and Arathi victories each, and then I'll be done, but that's some pretty depressing criteria.

I suppose really I need to make my own premade. Bah!

A little under 9,000 fish successfully caught later, my 9 alts are now all sitting pretty at 325 cooking skill. If nothing else, between this and the Candy Buckets of DOOM, I was able to run around the world one last time before it completly changed. Azshara in particular, while being so very useless, is very pretty, so you goblins had better take good care of it ;_;

1 comment:

  1. I am in awe of your sheer force of achievement will. I will also be sad when Azeroth changes, I spent way too much time just running around exploring everything. :x

    Also, leveling fishing/cooking on Krast was bad enough. Nine alts? Good grief. D:
