Friday, December 10, 2010


Oh boy it's Friday and the Cataclysm has come.

Isn't it great?

So, I haven't gotten to play crazy amount this week - December is just a really busy time for me (the 8th was my birfday :3). Right now I'm sitting very close to dinging 83, hopefully will be somewhere in 84 by the end of the weekend, we'll see. No huge rush and probably doing it all ass-backwards anyway!

My boyfriend and I finished Hyjal last night and moved into Vasj'ir, which means we're bigger than everyone else there and can shove them around. Hyjal was a very nice zone with a cool story, I'm not sure how I feel about Vasj'ir. It's neat, but there's so much color and clutter everywhere that I have a hard time concentrating :P

My long lost love

This post is so late in the day because I spent my free time making a loot list! OMG. I haven't had one of those since.... well T9's been wiped from my memory so maybe that's why I haven't had one in a while.

A loot list is a wunnerful thing. It's like having Christmas everyday - you know exactly what you want and you wrote it out and the heroics are never going to give it to you. Constant anticipation and constant disappointment.

All kidding aside, I like the loot list because it allows me to determine beforehand, using stat weights found on the appropriate blogs or elitist jerks and plugged into wowhead, whether or not something is an upgrade. It's time consuming but it keeps you from holding up the group or taking something you don't need later on.

It doesn't have to be a pretty list, just something you understand, I put mine in a notepad file. I also keep little files of my achievements, as well as one that tracked raid attendance for my 10 man while we were working on 'Glory of Whatever'. I love my little notepad files.

I went through and ranked all the pieces for each of my specs (being an OT is fun like that - TWICE the disappointment for the price of one!!!!), and have a section that separates everything by zone so I know exactly what I'm looking for in each one. I have no idea why I'm so excited about it, but I am.

(Picture Unrelated)

I wasn't expecting to be able to play my main this week, so I had started a worgen druid, who's only level 11 at the moment. She isn't hideous but she is hillarious. I'm torn between being disappointed with the poor level of work that went into her (one face type with the constant snarling that bear druids have hated forever, one hair color...), but I find the whole thing so goddamned funny that it's hard to be angry.

The best problem with her so far has been /lol has produced a sound I suspect is supposed to be /chicken.

Overall the quest design has been nice, and the zones have been put together well - though Gilneas does have you do a lot of running. Eep.

As an aside, I'm undecided how I feel about starting the comic thing again. What I did for this one took a lot less time than the old version, but it's still more intense than just the weekly doodle. Also it's hard to be funny enough to want to draw it.

We'll see I suppose.

Screenshots of the weeeeek

Still going doublebubble on these. I actually took close to 100 this week, had a rough time narrowing it down to just 14 :O

Hmm... #321 seems to be missing. I guess I'll find it later tonight :D

1 comment:

  1. Well, I really liked this comic, and hope you decide to continue! I agree with the Cataclysm stuff. I'm definitely enjoying the zones and the quests seem a lot less tedious than I remember. And that says a lot coming from me, I abhor questing.
